Rotobec needed to train managers in the principles of proactive supervision, in order to increase its work teams’ productivity and accountability, and to look for organizational gains and operational efficiencies.
The company also wanted Synerforce to work on reducing inventory shortages, optimizing supplier management, developing a methodology for negotiation and achieving cost savings in purchasing.
- Develop strategies for gains recovery and project rollout.
- Support and guidance (through direct observation) of governance in the various phases.
- Develop and implement a communication structure and management tools.
- Develop management skills through coaching.
- Implement performance indicators.
- Improve the various operating processes.
- Incorporate Lean Manufacturing concepts.
- Instill a daily performance management (DMS) and continuous improvement culture.
- Hold various workshops (Kaizen, DMAIC, employee engagement, etc.).
- Support and guidance (through direct observation) for managers, from the production supervisor to senior management.
- Roll out a sustainability plan for the various phases and approaches.
- Use a team of coaches from within the company to promote change, improvement and continuity.